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Brake Check Accidents: The Hidden Danger Behind Sudden Stops

By Matt Lalande in Car Accidents, Hamilton Personal Injury Lawyer on October 07, 2024

Brake Check Accidents: The Hidden Danger Behind Sudden Stops

Car accidents are a widespread occurrence on our roads in Hamilton and throughout Ontario, with many resulting in severe and devastating injuries. While these accidents can happen in countless ways, one less common yet hazardous scenario is the “brake check”—when a driver stops suddenly and unexpectedly. Our Hamilton personal injury lawyers have witnessed firsthand the profound and far-reaching impact of such incidents, including spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, and the resulting psychological struggles that accompany them. The aftermath of a brake check accident can significantly alter the lives of victims, leaving them unable to work or participate in daily activities. 

Defining Brake Checking: What Does it Mean? 

“Brake checking” is another term for stopping suddenly and unexpectedly on the road. There may be valid reasons to brake quickly, such as when an individual or another car suddenly appears in front of you. However, “brake checking” is often done as an act of defiance or to manipulate other drivers on the road. 

A typical example is when someone is driving, and another driver is following too closely or tailgating them. Sometimes, the driver in front will suddenly hit their brakes or “tap” them to stop suddenly for a moment. 

While tailgating is dangerous and illegal in itself, “brake checking” the person can make the situation even more dangerous and potentially cause severe and devastating injuries to all individuals. 

There are a few reasons one might engage in brake checking despite knowing the dangers and legal implications: 

  • Road rage affects many individuals, and frustrating situations can trigger emotional reactions and exaggerated or reckless behaviour, such as brake checking. 
  • Traffic manipulation. Some may brake check to tell the driver behind them they are too close and to back off. While this is not the same as road rage, it’s still a dangerous practice that puts everyone at risk. Others may do it to enrage the other driver or assert dominance. 
  • Insurance fraud. In some cases, individuals may brake check, hoping to cause an accident in which they are not at fault and can claim insurance money.  

According to section 127 of the Highway Traffic Act, “brake checking” is classified as stunt driving and is illegal. 

How Sudden Stops Lead to Devastating Collisions 

Sudden stops and brake checking can have severe consequences that many individuals do not consider. These dangerous driving behaviours can catch other motorists off guard, leaving them little time to react and avoid a collision. 

As any experienced Hamilton personal injury lawyer can attest, the resulting accidents can be catastrophic. They often lead to long-term physical, emotional, and financial repercussions for those involved.  

Instances of brake checking can lead to a wide variety of accidents, often involving multiple parties: 

Rear-End Collisions 

Rear-end collisions are among the most common types of car accidents in Ontario, often resulting from sudden stops on the road. Research from the Insurance Bureau of Canada shows that rear-end collisions account for 33% of motor vehicle accidents in the province. While many factors can lead to these collisions, “brake checking”—when a driver abruptly slams on their brakes without warning—is a particularly dangerous cause.

When a driver engages in brake checking, the vehicle behind them typically has little time to react, often resulting in a forceful impact. The sudden nature of these crashes can cause severe injuries to occupants of both vehicles, including whiplash, back injuries, and other serious trauma. In some cases, victims may face chronic pain, long-term disability, or even paralysis due to the severity of their injuries.

A knowledgeable Hamilton car accident lawyer understands the gravity of these consequences and is equipped to help victims pursue the compensation they deserve. Depending on the extent of your injuries, this may include covering medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Multi-Car Accidents

In some cases, sudden stops can trigger devastating multi-car accidents, particularly on busy highways or in high-traffic areas. When one vehicle unexpectedly brakes, it can set off a chain reaction of collisions as other drivers attempt to avoid the initial crash. 

These pile-ups can be catastrophic, involving numerous vehicles and causing extensive damage and injuries. If this happens on city streets, those attempting to avoid the collision or thrown off their path by an impact may also hit pedestrians in the area. 

Pedestrians are much more vulnerable than those in vehicles, as they have nothing around them for protection. If involved, pedestrians may suffer the most severe injuries that could even result in wrongful death. This causes immense devastation for those close to the victim, and these individuals must seek an experienced and compassionate Hamilton wrongful death lawyer to help them through such a challenging time. 

Determining liability in multi-car accidents can be complex, and victims may require the assistance of an experienced Hamilton personal injury lawyer to protect their rights and navigate the legal process. 

What are some common injuries caused by sudden stop accidents? 

Sudden stop accidents, such as those caused by brake checking, can lead to many injuries that can profoundly impact victims’ lives. These injuries can vary in severity, from minor bruises and cuts to life-altering conditions that require extensive medical treatment and ongoing care. 

Neck Injuries: One of the most serious consequences of sudden-stop accidents, like brake-check collisions, is the potential for significant neck injuries. These can range from fractures of the cervical spine to severe tendon and ligament damage, as well as debilitating disc injuries. The forceful impact of a sudden stop can cause the head and neck to whip forward violently and then snap back, often resulting in a complex array of injuries. While airbags may deploy and offer some protection, they do not always prevent the severe strain placed on the neck during these incidents.

The aftermath of such injuries can be profound. Victims may experience immediate, intense pain and loss of mobility, and in some cases, these injuries lead to long-term or even permanent complications. Chronic pain, numbness, and persistent neurological symptoms can significantly affect a person’s ability to work and participate in everyday life.

Back injuries: are another frequent but devastating consequence of sudden stop accidents. The impact of the collision can cause the spine to compress or twist, leading to conditions such as herniated discs, spinal cord damage, and fractured vertebrae. 

These injuries can be incredibly painful and may require surgery, physical therapy, and other extensive medical interventions. In severe cases, victims may experience permanent disability or paralysis, drastically altering their quality of life and ability to work or engage in daily activities. 

When severe injuries just as these incur high medical expenses, the help and representation of a Hamilton personal injury lawyer is invaluable. 

Spinal cord injuries: are among the most devastating consequences of rear-end collisions, particularly those caused by sudden brake checks at high speeds. In such crashes, the force of impact can cause the spine to endure intense trauma, potentially leading to fractures, dislocations, or herniation of intervertebral discs. When this trauma extends to the spinal cord itself, the results can be catastrophic, as the spinal cord is the body’s central conduit for transmitting signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

Depending on the location and severity of the injury, victims may experience varying degrees of impairment. For instance, trauma to the cervical spine (neck region) can result in quadriplegia—complete paralysis of all four limbs and the torso. Injuries lower on the spinal column, such as in the thoracic or lumbar regions, may cause paraplegia, impacting sensation and motor function in the legs and lower body. Other symptoms can include chronic neuropathic pain, muscle spasms, and loss of bladder or bowel control. 

These injuries are life-changing, often requiring emergency medical intervention, extensive rehabilitation, and long-term care. A compassionate Hamilton personal injury lawyer understands the profound and lasting impact of spinal cord injuries and can assist victims and their families in navigating the legal process to secure the resources necessary for ongoing medical support, rehabilitation, and adaptation to their new reality.

Head injuries: including concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), are also a serious concern in sudden-stop accidents. When a vehicle comes to an abrupt halt, occupants can be thrown forward, causing their heads to strike the steering wheel, dashboard, or other hard surfaces. 

This can lead to a range of symptoms, from mild headaches and confusion to more severe consequences such as memory loss, cognitive impairment, and changes in personality. A knowledgeable Hamilton car accident lawyer understands the long-term implications of these injuries and can help victims access the resources and support they need to cope with the challenges they face.

Other Injuries

Other common injuries in sudden-stop accidents can include:

  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Fractures in the arms, legs, ribs, or other parts of the body
  • Mild to severe cuts and bruises that can potentially lead to scarring or disfigurement. 
  • Soft tissue injuries, such as strains and sprains, can cause chronic pain, limited mobility, and a reduced ability to participate in everyday tasks and activities. 

Many injuries, even if they seem mild, can lead to painful and long-term consequences, including permanent disability. If so, you deserve compensation for your pain and suffering. An experienced Hamilton personal injury lawyer can help you apply for and secure long-term disability benefits to ensure your long-term financial security.

Sensory Overload: How Cameras, Radar, and Alerts are Outsmarting Brake Checking

In recent years, technological advancements have played an increasingly important role in promoting road safety and preventing accidents, including those caused by brake checking. While these innovations cannot eliminate the risk of sudden stop accidents entirely, they can significantly reduce the likelihood of such incidents and mitigate their severity. Let’s explore some of the most relevant technologies that can help address the issue of brake checking.

Dashcams: Dashboard cameras, or dashcams, have become increasingly popular among drivers as a means of documenting their journeys and providing evidence in the event of an accident. When it comes to brake checking, dashcams can serve as an invaluable tool for establishing liability, as they can clearly capture the actions of the vehicle in front. This footage can be crucial in supporting insurance claims and legal proceedings, helping victims of brake checking accidents secure the compensation they deserve. Hamilton car accident lawyers often rely on dashcam footage to build strong cases for their clients.

Rear Sensors and Cameras: Many modern vehicles come equipped with rear sensors and cameras, which can alert drivers to the presence of obstacles or vehicles behind them. These systems can be particularly useful in preventing accidents caused by sudden stops, as they provide drivers with an additional layer of awareness and can help them react more quickly to potential hazards. By offering a clear view of the rear of the vehicle and audible or visual warnings when an object is in close proximity, rear sensors and cameras can give drivers the time they need to brake safely and avoid collisions.

Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB): Automatic Emergency Braking systems are designed to detect impending collisions and apply the brakes automatically if the driver fails to respond in time. These systems use a combination of cameras, radar, and sensors to monitor the road ahead and can be particularly effective in mitigating the impact of sudden stop accidents. While AEB may not always prevent a collision entirely, it can significantly reduce the severity of the impact, potentially saving lives and minimizing injuries. Tesla, for example, has been at the forefront of implementing advanced AEB technology in their vehicles, showcasing the potential for these systems to revolutionize road safety.

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC): Adaptive Cruise Control is another advanced technology that can help prevent accidents caused by brake checking. Unlike traditional cruise control, which maintains a fixed speed, ACC uses sensors to monitor the distance between your vehicle and the one in front, automatically adjusting your speed to maintain a safe following distance. This technology can be especially beneficial in situations where a driver in front suddenly brakes, as it can respond more quickly than a human driver and reduce the risk of a collision.

Forward Collision Warning (FCW): Forward Collision Warning systems are designed to alert drivers when they are at risk of colliding with a vehicle or object in front of them. These systems use cameras and sensors to monitor the road ahead and provide visual, audible, or haptic warnings when a collision is imminent. In the context of brake checking, FCW can give drivers valuable seconds to react and avoid or mitigate the impact of a sudden stop.

    While these technologies can play a significant role in reducing the risk of accidents caused by brake checking, it is important to recognize that they are not infallible. Drivers must still remain vigilant and exercise caution on the road, as no technology can replace the importance of safe, responsible driving practices. Hamilton car accident lawyers understand the critical role that driver behavior plays in preventing accidents, and they often stress the importance of maintaining patience and avoiding road rage.

    In the unfortunate event that a brake checking accident does occur, it is crucial for victims to seek the guidance of an experienced Hamilton car accident lawyer who can help them navigate the legal complexities of their case and secure the compensation they deserve.

    Ultimately, the most effective way to combat the dangers of brake checking is to foster a culture of responsible driving and mutual respect on our roads. By practicing patience, controlling our emotions, and refusing to engage in retaliatory or aggressive behavior, we can all contribute to a safer driving environment. When combined with the ongoing development and implementation of advanced safety technologies, these efforts can help reduce the incidence of brake checking accidents and protect the well-being of all road users.

    Understanding Your Rights: Legal Avenues for Car Accident Victims

    After a brake check accident, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming. A car accident lawyer is essential in managing the complexities of your case, including gathering key evidence, reconstruction reports, accident reports, witness statements, preserving black boxes, camera footage, dashcam footage, starting a legal action, and building a case to pursue fair compensation for your injuries and losses. Their expertise ensures every aspect is handled promptly and thoroughly, protecting your rights throughout the process. For example, we can assist with:

    Assisting with Hospital discharge: After a serious accident, hospital discharge can be an overwhelming experience for both the injured party and their families. At Lalande Personal Injury Lawyers, we have extensive experience helping clients transition smoothly from the hospital to home or a rehabilitation facility. Our team can assist with coordinating post-discharge care, including arranging attendant care benefits to cover expenses for aides or attendants who can help with daily functions such as dressing, grooming, and mobility. We also help clients apply for necessary benefits under Ontario’s no-fault accident benefits regime, including income replacement, medical and rehabilitation benefits, and access to long-term care if required.

    Getting OTs Involved: We collaborate with our skilled occupational therapy team to support our clients’ transition from hospital to home. They assess the patient’s needs, recommend adaptive equipment, and create tailored rehabilitation plans to improve daily function and independence. This helps clients adapt to life post-accident while ensuring a smoother recovery process. Our OTs will assist throughout the entire course of your case. 

    Starting the No-Fault Process: Starting the no-fault benefit process after a car accident can be complex, but our car accident lawyer can guide you every step of the way. We assist in promptly notifying your insurance company and help complete the necessary forms, such as the Application for Accident Benefits (OCF-1), ensuring accuracy and thoroughness. Our team also gathers supporting documents like medical records and accident reports, addressing potential issues early on to secure the benefits you are entitled to, including income replacement and medical expense coverage.

    Starting a Legal Case: We will aggressively pursue all avenues for compensation, including damages for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, and future care needs. Our goal is to secure a settlement or verdict that not only addresses your immediate losses but also safeguards your and your family’s long-term financial stability, ensuring peace of mind as you rebuild your life.

    Serious injuries require serious support. Speak with our Hamilton Car Accident Lawyers for a free consultation.

    Our Hamilton car accident lawyers are here to support you through every step of the process. Whether it’s navigating complex insurance claims, coordinating with medical professionals, or building a strong case for compensation, we are committed to fighting for your rights and your recovery. Let us handle the legal complexities so you can focus on what truly matters—your healing and well-being. Reach out for a free consultation, and let us help you take the next step toward reclaiming your life.

    We understand that dealing with the aftermath of a brake-check accident is complex and can leave you feeling overwhelmed – and we can help. Call us, no matter where you are in Ontario, at 905-333-8888 today. Alternatively, email us confidentially by filling out a contact form, and our intake professional will get back to you and your family promptly. 

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    Article FAQ

    What is brake checking, and why is it dangerous?

    Brake checking is when a driver suddenly and unexpectedly slams on their brakes, often done out of road rage or to manipulate traffic. It’s extremely dangerous as it can catch other drivers off guard, leaving little time to react and potentially causing severe rear-end collisions or multi-car pileups.

    What types of injuries are commonly caused by sudden stop accidents, such as brake checking?

    Sudden stop accidents can lead to serious injuries like neck injuries (whiplash, cervical spine fractures, disc injuries), back injuries (herniated discs, spinal cord damage, vertebrae fractures), head injuries (concussions, traumatic brain injuries), as well as broken bones, lacerations and soft tissue damage. These may result in chronic pain, long-term disability or paralysis.

    Is brake checking illegal in Ontario?

    Yes, according to section 127 of Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act, brake checking is classified as stunt driving and is illegal. Drivers who engage in this dangerous behaviour can face serious legal consequences.

    How can a car accident lawyer help after a brake check accident?

    An experienced personal injury lawyer can assist brake check accident victims by gathering evidence, handling insurance claims, coordinating medical care and rehabilitation, and fighting for fair compensation for injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and future care needs. They navigate the legal complexities so victims can focus on recovery.

    What should I do if I’ve been injured in an accident caused by brake checking?

    If you’ve been hurt in a brake check accident, first seek necessary medical attention. Then, contact a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer for a free consultation. They can advise you on your rights, help with the insurance process, and build a strong case to pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses. Don’t delay, as there are time limits for taking legal action.



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