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Has Manulife Denied your Disability Benefits?

Our Hamilton Disability Lawyers have Recovered Millions for Claimants Nationwide

Has Manulife Denied or Stopped Paying your Disability Benefits?

Don’t Panic. You still have Legal Rights. Call us nationwide at 1-844-525-2633 or in Ontario at 905-333-8888. Alternatively, send us a confidential message, and we will get back to you.

Manulife Stopped my Disability Benefits

If Manulife has stopped paying your disability benefits, especially around the two-year mark, you may face a common challenge. Manulife often reassesses claims at this point, leading to terminations. Understand your rights and explore your options for challenging their decision. Our experienced team of long-term disability lawyers can help you navigate the complexities of Manulife’s long-term disability claim denials.

Manulife, one of the leading group benefits providers in the country, offers disability insurance to many Canadians, both on an individual basis and through their employers’ plans. Despite the fact that most policyholders faithfully pay their premiums and rely on this coverage in the event of a disability, Manulife may unjustly deny or terminate valid disability claims when policyholders are most vulnerable. Coping with a chronic medical condition is already challenging enough without the added burden of having your long-term disability claim rejected by Manulife, which can be truly devastating.

At Lalande Personal Injury Lawyers, we recognize the overwhelming nature of this situation and are dedicated to providing assistance. Our skilled Hamilton long-term disability lawyers are well-versed in the strategies employed by insurers like Canada Life to deny claims. We offer caring and compassionate representation to help appeal your denial and fight tirelessly to secure the long-term disability benefits you are legally entitled to under your policy.

If Manulife has terminated your disability benefits, call us Nationwide at 1-844-LALANDE or local throughout Ontario at 905-333-8888 for more information about how we can assist you in your time of need. Alternatively, you can contact us confidentially by sending an email through our website.

Why did Manulife Stop my Long-Term Disability Benefits?

You are probably learning that your disability insurance coverage can let you down when you need it the most. If you’ve recently received notice that your long-term disability (LTD) benefits have been denied or terminated by Manulife, you may feel overwhelmed, confused, and unsure of what to do next. Understand that you’re not alone in this situation and that you can take steps to fight for the benefits you deserve.

As experienced disability lawyers, we’ve witnessed firsthand the devastating impact that a sudden stop payment or denial of benefits can have on individuals and their families. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll a disability can take, and we’re here to help you navigate this challenging time with compassion and expertise.

To help you better understand your situation, our disability lawyers have compiled a list of the five most common reasons why Manulife may terminate long-term disability claims:

Insufficient Medical Evidence: One of the primary reasons for LTD benefit termination is a lack of sufficient medical evidence to support your ongoing disability. Manulife may argue that the medical documentation does not adequately demonstrate that your condition prevents you from performing the duties of your occupation. Maintain regular medical appointments and ensure that your healthcare providers accurately document your symptoms, limitations, and treatment plans.

Failure to Meet the Definition of Total Disability: LTD policies typically have specific definitions of disability that you must meet to qualify for benefits. After the initial qualifying period, usually two years, the definition of disability often changes from being unable to perform the duties of your own occupation to being unable to perform the duties of any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience. Manulife may terminate your benefits if they believe you no longer meet the applicable definition of disability.

Missed Deadlines or Insufficient Documentation: Strict deadlines and documentation requirements are a common feature of LTD policies. Manulife may use this as grounds for terminating your benefits if you fail to submit required forms, medical updates, or other documentation within the specified timeframes. Stay organized and promptly respond to any requests for information from your insurer.

Surveillance and Social Media Monitoring: In some cases, Manulife may conduct surveillance or monitor your social media activity to gather evidence that contradicts your disability claim. If they obtain video footage or social media posts that appear to show you engaging in activities inconsistent with your stated limitations, they may use this information to justify terminating your benefits. Be cautious about your online presence and understand that your activities may be scrutinized.

Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs): Manulife has the right to request that you attend an Independent Medical Examination (IME) with a doctor of their choosing. If the IME report suggests that you can return to work or if it contradicts the medical evidence provided by your own healthcare providers, your insurer may rely on this information to terminate your benefits. Attend any scheduled IMEs and ensure you accurately convey your symptoms and limitations to the examining physician.

If you’ve had your long-term disability benefits terminated by Manulife, act quickly to protect your rights. Our experienced disability lawyers can help you understand your policy, gather the necessary medical evidence, and fight for the benefits you deserve.

We understand that challenging a large insurance company can be daunting, but you don’t have to face this alone. Our team is here to guide you through the process with compassion, expertise, and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

Don’t let a termination of your long-term disability benefits leave you feeling helpless and unsure of your future. Contact our office today for a free consultation, and let us help you fight for the support you need and deserve.

Is Manulife Stopping Your Long-Term Disability Benefits After Two Years?

The two-year juncture in long-term disability (LTD) benefits is a critical point in a disability claim, as it often marks a significant change in the definition of disability that claimants must meet to continue receiving benefits.

During the first two years of an LTD claim, the definition of disability typically states that the claimant must be unable to perform the essential duties of their own occupation due to illness or injury. This means that if the claimant cannot work in their regular job because of their medical condition, they are considered disabled and entitled to LTD benefits.

However, after the two-year mark, most Manulife LTD policies in Canada change the definition of disability to a more stringent standard. At this point, the claimant must prove that they are unable to perform the essential duties of any occupation for which they are reasonably suited by way of education, training, or experience. This change in definition makes it more challenging for claimants to continue receiving benefits, as they must demonstrate that their disability prevents them from working in any suitable job, not just their own occupation.

Insurance companies and their adjusters are well aware of this change in definition and may employ various tactics to terminate LTD benefits at the two-year mark. Some common strategies include:

Heightened scrutiny of medical evidence: Adjusters may closely examine the medical records provided by the claimant, looking for any inconsistencies or gaps in treatment that could be used to argue that the claimant’s condition has improved or that they are not as disabled as claimed.

Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs): Manulife may require claimants to attend IMEs with their chosen doctors. These doctors may be biased in favour of the insurer and could provide opinions contradicting the claimant’s treating physicians, giving the insurer grounds to terminate benefits.

Vocational assessments: Manulife may conduct vocational evaluations to identify potential occupations the claimant could perform based on their education, skills, and experience. If the evaluation finds suitable occupations available, the insurer may argue that the claimant no longer meets the definition of disability.

Surveillance and social media monitoring: Manulife adjusters may employ private investigators to conduct surveillance on claimants or monitor their social media accounts, hoping to find evidence that the claimant is engaging in activities inconsistent with their claimed limitations.

Overriding the Claimant’s Own Doctors: Manulife will often prioritize the opinions of their own hired medical experts over the claimant’s treating physicians when deciding to terminate disability benefits. These experts, who may have never personally examined the claimant, are tasked with reviewing the claimant’s medical records and providing an opinion favouring the insurance company’s interests. By relying on these biased assessments, insurers can justify denying or terminating benefits, even when the claimant’s family doctor and specialists have provided evidence supporting the claimant’s ongoing disability.

To protect themselves from unfair termination of benefits at the two-year mark, Manulife claimants should:

  1. Ensure their medical records are complete and consistent and document their limitations and restrictions.
  2. Attend all medical appointments and follow their treatment plans as their healthcare providers prescribe.
  3. Be cautious about their activities and social media presence, understanding that they may be under surveillance.
  4. Consider seeking the advice of an experienced disability lawyer who can help them navigate the complexities of the LTD claim process and fight for their rights if their benefits are wrongfully terminated.

I’ve heard my Adjuster mention Own Occupation …What does this Mean?

In Ontario, Canada, the “own occupation” provision is a fundamental component of Manulife’s long-term disability (LTD) insurance policies. This provision is typically applicable during the initial period of disability, which generally spans the first two years of the benefit period under Manulife policies, in accordance with Canadian law.

Under Manulife’s “own occupation” definition, an individual is considered disabled if they cannot perform the essential duties of their specific job due to an illness or injury. This means that even if the individual is capable of working in another occupation, they can still qualify for LTD benefits under their Manulife policy if they cannot carry out the core functions of the job they held when they became disabled. This provision provides financial support to policyholders who cannot continue working in their chosen profession due to a disabling condition.

I’ve heard my Adjuster mention any Occupation …What does this Mean?

In Ontario, long-term disability (LTD) insurance policies, including those offered by Manulife, often include an “any occupation” or “any occ” definition of disability. This definition typically takes effect after the initial “own occupation” period, which usually lasts for the first two years of the benefit period.

Under the “any occupation” definition, an individual is considered disabled if they cannot perform the essential duties of any occupation for which they are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience. This is a more stringent definition than the “own occupation” provision, as it requires the individual to be unable to work in any suitable job, not just the specific job held at the time of disability.

The “any occupation” provision ensures that LTD benefits are provided to those who cannot engage in gainful employment due to their disabling condition. Policyholders need to understand the terms and conditions of their specific LTD policy, as the transition from “own occupation” to “any occupation” can have significant implications for their eligibility to continue receiving benefits.

If Manulife cuts off your disability benefits at the two-year mark, it is very important to contact a disability lawyer sooner rather than later. Often, disability insurance companies will convince claimants to go through the “internal appeal process,” which hardly ever works out in the claimant’s favour. The process simply involves another employee from Manulife reviewing your denied claim. It simply delays benefits that a person is entitled to.

Remember, Manulife is NOT on your side.

When you find yourself in an unanticipated situation, you may believe that your insurance company, such as Manulife, will step up and utilize the premiums you or your employer have paid to support you.

However, insurance companies prioritize generating profits over working for your best interests. To maximize their earnings, they aim to minimize costs while increasing revenue. They achieve this by rejecting as many claims as possible and minimizing payouts on approved claims.

Insurance companies streamline their claim processing to reduce the resources invested in each case, which can lead to errors and oversights. By expediting claims and denying a high volume, insurance companies can optimize their profits for shareholders at the expense of policyholders and benefit beneficiaries.

Claimants who believe they have been wrongfully denied or treated unjustly often face lengthy appeals processes and legal battles against their disability insurer. While disability insurance serves as a crucial safety net, the claims process can be incredibly challenging for those with legitimate disabilities, requiring them to navigate a complex and often adversarial system to secure the benefits they deserve.

How do I find a Long-Term Disability Lawyer near me?

How to hire a “disability lawyer near me” is a common question that we have heard time and time again. If you’ve been denied long-term disability benefits in Canada, finding the right lawyer to fight for your rights and help you get the benefits you deserve is crucial. However, with so much advertising from law firms – billboards, TV commercials, online ads – it can be overwhelming to know where to start and how to choose the best disability lawyer for your case.

Here are some key tips for finding and hiring a top disability lawyer in Ontario:

Look for a lawyer who specializes in disability claims: You want a lawyer who focuses their practice on disability law and has extensive experience handling LTD denial cases against insurance companies. General practice firms that dabble in many areas of law may not have the same depth of knowledge.

Check the firm’s track record of success: Have they recovered millions of dollars in settlements for their disability clients? Do they have a history of winning cases at trial? Ask about their case results.
Make sure you have an experienced lawyer working on your file directly – not just a junior associate or paralegal. Your case against Manulife will not be easy, so you must have a lawyer who specializes in it.

Take advantage of free consultations to discuss your case:
Most disability law firms, including ours (Camporese Lalande Disability Lawyers at Disability.ca), offer free claim evaluations. This lets you get advice on your case and see if the firm is a good fit before hiring them.

Understand the fee structure: The best disability lawyers work on contingency, meaning you only pay a fee if they win your case – typically a percentage of the settlement. Make sure you are comfortable with the fee agreement. You should not have to pay any legal fees upfront.

Read former client testimonials: Try to get a sense of what it’s like to work with the firm and how they’ve helped people in situations similar to yours. This can give you confidence in your choice.
At Lalande Disability Lawyers, we pride ourselves on being disability law specialists with an outstanding track record of success. Based in Hamilton, we represent disability claimants all across Canada and have recovered tens of millions in denied benefits for our clients. Led by renowned disability lawyers Art Camporese and Matt Lalande, our firm is recognized as a leader in disability law.

We offer free consultations, have a no-fee guarantee unless we win, and give each client the dedicated attention of an experienced disability lawyer. But don’t just take our word for it – visit our website at Disability.ca to read client success stories and see how we can help you, too.

The bottom line is, if Manulife has unfairly denied your claim, you have the right to hire a lawyer to fight for you – but choose wisely. Look for a proven disability law firm like Lalande Disability Lawyers, who will be the strong advocate you need to win your case. You can get your benefits back on track with the right legal representation.

Are Disability Lawyer Consultations Free?

When seeking legal advice for a denied long-term disability claim, one of the most pressing concerns for many individuals is the potential cost of consulting with a disability lawyer. Fortunately, the answer to the question, “Are disability lawyer consultations free?” is a resounding yes. Our Hamilton long-term disability lawyers understand the financial strain that often accompanies a denial of benefits, and they strive to make their services accessible to everyone in need.

By offering free consultations, our disability lawyers provide an opportunity for claimants to discuss their unique situations without the added worry of upfront fees. During these consultations, experienced attorneys will carefully listen to the details of your case, review any relevant documentation, and provide valuable insights into your legal options moving forward. They will assess the strengths and weaknesses of your claim, explain the appeals process, and help you understand your rights as a policyholder.

It is important to note that not only are these initial consultations free, but we also work on a contingency basis. If you choose to retain our services, you will not be required to pay any legal fees unless and until they successfully recover your denied benefits. This arrangement ensures that you can pursue your claim without the added financial burden of ongoing legal expenses.

If you have had your long-term disability benefits denied by Manulife or any other insurance provider, take the first step towards protecting your rights and securing the benefits you deserve. Contact our disability law firm today to schedule your free consultation. Their experienced attorneys will provide the guidance and support you need to navigate the complex appeals process and fight for the compensation you are entitled to under your policy. Don’t let the fear of legal fees prevent you from seeking the justice you deserve – take action now and let a skilled disability lawyer advocate on your behalf.

How much does a Disability Lawyer Cost?

If Manulife has unfairly denied you disability benefits, you may be wondering how much it will cost to hire a lawyer to fight for your rights. The good news is that Lalande Disability Lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. You don’t have to pay any upfront legal fees – instead, we only get paid if they win your case.

Contingency fees align your lawyer’s interests with yours and ensure they are motivated to get you the best possible outcome. Under a contingency arrangement, your lawyer typically receives a percentage of the settlement or court award if your case is successful. This percentage can vary but is often around 25% to 30% of the total amount recovered. The exact terms will be clearly outlined in the retainer agreement you sign with your lawyer.

Hiring a disability lawyer on contingency offers several key advantages. First, it provides access to justice for those who could not otherwise afford a lawyer, as there are no upfront costs. Second, it shifts the financial risk from you to your lawyer, as they only get paid if they deliver results. Third, it gives you confidence that your lawyer believes strongly in your case and is committed to winning. With contingency fees, you can level the playing field against a large insurance company like Manulife and get the professional legal representation you need to secure the disability benefits you deserve.

At Lalande Disability Lawyers, we proudly offer contingency fee arrangements to our disability clients across Canada. Everyone should have access to justice, regardless of their financial situation.

So, while legal fees can be stressful when you’ve lost your disability income, rest assured that with our firm, you will not have to pay anything out of pocket. We only get paid if your case is successful. Don’t let worries about cost prevent you from getting the legal advocacy you need. Call or email us today for your free consultation.

If Canada Life has denied or Stopped Paying Your Long-Term Disability Benefits, we can help.

If Manulife has denied your long-term disability benefits, you must seek legal assistance from our experienced Disability Law firm as soon as possible. Delaying action may result in prolonged periods without the benefits you deserve and need to maintain your quality of life. Our team of dedicated disability lawyers has the expertise and knowledge to effectively appeal the denial of your long-term disability benefits, ensuring that your case is presented in the most robust possible manner.

We work closely with top-tier experts in various fields to gather compelling evidence and build a robust case on your behalf. Our attorneys have a proven track record of success in handling disability claims and are prepared to take your case to Court if necessary. We are committed to fighting for your rights and will strive to recover every dollar Manulife owes you under the terms of your disability insurance policy.

Manulife must act in good faith and honour valid disability claims. However, insurance companies may sometimes prioritize their financial interests over the needs of their policyholders. If you believe that your long-term disability claim has been unjustly denied, Matt Lalande is here to advocate for you and protect your rights.

Don’t face this challenging situation alone. Contact our Disability Lawyers by calling (905) 333-8888 or nationwide at 1-844-LALANDE to learn how we can support you during this difficult time. If you prefer, you can also reach out to us confidentially by sending an email through our website. When you receive a Canada Life disability denial, it can be overwhelming and confusing, but our team is prepared to stand by your side and fight for the benefits you rightfully deserve.

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FAQ Manulife Long-Term Disability Denials

What should I do if Manulife has denied or terminated my long-term disability benefits?

If Manulife has denied or stopped paying your LTD benefits, don’t panic. You still have legal rights and options to appeal the denial. Contact an experienced disability lawyer who can help you fight for the benefits you deserve under your policy.

What are some common reasons Manulife may deny or terminate long-term disability benefits?

Manulife may deny or stop LTD benefits for reasons such as insufficient medical evidence, not meeting the policy’s definition of disability, missing deadlines or paperwork, surveillance showing activity inconsistent with claimed limitations, or Independent Medical Exams contradicting the claimant’s own doctors.

How does the definition of total disability change after two years with Manulife?

For the first 2 years, Manulife policies usually define disability as the inability to perform the duties of one’s “own occupation.” After 2 years, the definition often changes to the inability to work in “any occupation” based on one’s education, training, and experience. This stricter definition makes it tougher to continue qualifying for LTD benefits.

Can I appeal Manulife’s decision to cut off my benefits?

Disability lawyers generally advise against the internal appeal process, rarely leading to Manulife overturning their denial. The appeal is handled by another Manulife employee and usually just delays benefits you may be rightfully owed. It’s better to consult with a disability lawyer right away.

What should I look for when hiring a disability lawyer to fight my Manulife LTD denial?

When choosing a disability lawyer, look for a law firm specializing in disability claims against insurance companies, has a strong track record of success, and works on a contingency basis, meaning you pay no legal fees unless they win your case. Read reviews and take advantage of free consultations to find the right fit.

How much does it cost to hire a disability lawyer to fight a Manulife LTD denial?

Most disability lawyers, including Lalande Disability Lawyers, work on contingency, so you pay no upfront costs. If your case is successful, the lawyer receives a percentage of the settlement or back benefits, often around 25-30%. You pay nothing out of pocket and only pay a fee if you win.

Why should I hire a long-term disability lawyer before Manulife cuts off my benefits?

Hiring a lawyer early can prepare you for challenges such as Manulife disputing your medical evidence or misjudging your capabilities. A lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of your case and advocate for your rights effectively.



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