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Have you Been Hit by a Hamilton City (HSR) Bus?

By Matt Lalande in Bus Accidents on September 12, 2024

Have you Been Hit by a Hamilton City (HSR) Bus?

Hamilton City Bus Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been hit by a Hamilton HSR city bus, Lalande Personal Injury Lawyers can help you navigate your rights and secure compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. With extensive experience in bus accident claims, our firm offers personalized legal support, working on a contingency fee basis—meaning you only pay if we win your case. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your claim and get the help you need.

Being hit by a city bus as a pedestrian is a frightening and life-changing experience. The sheer size and force of a bus can leave victims in shock and confusion, unsure of what to do next. Beyond the immediate trauma, pedestrians in such accidents often face severe injuries, including fractures, spinal cord damage, and traumatic brain injuries, all of which can lead to long-term medical needs and recovery. If you or a loved one has been involved in such an accident, seeking experienced legal help is crucial to protect your rights and pursue compensation.

With extensive experience representing victims of serious bus accidents, Lalande Personal Injury Lawyers is dedicated to ensuring that those who have suffered significant injuries receive the legal support and compensation they deserve. We understand the complexities involved in bus accident claims, from the severe physical and emotional trauma to the financial burdens of recovery. Our team has successfully handled hundreds of bus accident cases across Ontario, providing compassionate and effective representation to secure justice for our clients during their most challenging times.

Can I get Accident Benefits if I’ve been Hit by a Bus?

In Ontario, the “no crash, no cash” theory applies primarily to passengers on public transit, such as city buses. This rule is designed to address situations where passengers claim injury without an actual collision, often due to sudden movements like braking or swerving. In such cases, passengers may be limited in the benefits they can claim unless a crash occurs. However, it’s important to understand that this theory does not apply to pedestrians. Pedestrians are fully protected under Ontario’s no-fault insurance system if they are struck by a bus, and they have access to the same accident benefits as any motor vehicle accident victim.

When a pedestrian is hit by a city bus, the consequences are often severe due to the size and weight of the vehicle, leading to significant injuries such as broken bones, spinal injuries, or head trauma. Given the serious nature of these accidents, Ontario’s no-fault insurance system ensures that injured pedestrians can access benefits immediately, regardless of who was at fault in the accident. These benefits cover essential needs such as medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, income replacement, and even attendant care for those who suffer long-term disabilities as a result of the accident.

The “no crash, no cash” theory does not affect your entitlement to these benefits as a pedestrian. The law recognizes the vulnerability of pedestrians and ensures that you receive the financial support needed to aid your recovery. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident involving a city bus, it is crucial to seek legal advice to ensure your rights are protected and to navigate the complex claims process. Our Hamilton Bus Accident Lawyers understand the challenges you face and are here to provide the legal guidance you need to secure the compensation you deserve. Reach out today for a consultation to discuss your case and ensure you receive the full range of benefits available to you.

A 40-foot Nightmare

City buses, typically measuring around 40 feet long and weighing up to 20 tons, are enormous vehicles that pose a significant danger to pedestrians. Even at low speeds, the sheer mass of a bus can cause life-altering injuries upon impact. Unlike smaller vehicles, where a slow-moving collision might result in minor injuries, the biomechanics of a bus accident are far more severe. A simple bump from such a large vehicle can cause traumatic injuries, including broken bones, head trauma, internal injuries, and spinal damage.

The human body is not built to withstand the immense force generated by a bus, even at reduced speeds. The height and weight of the vehicle increase the risk of severe trauma, as pedestrians often suffer from both the initial impact and the secondary injuries from being knocked to the ground. The large surface area of a bus, combined with its heavy structure, can result in multiple points of contact, further escalating the potential for harm. Injuries can range from fractures and deep tissue damage to catastrophic spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries, often requiring extensive medical treatment and long-term rehabilitation.

Given the serious potential for injury in such accidents, it’s crucial for those involved to seek immediate medical attention and consult with a lawyer to understand their rights.

Common Bus Accident Injuries

When a pedestrian is struck by a city bus, the injuries sustained can be catastrophic due to the sheer size and weight of the vehicle. Buses can weigh up to 40,000 pounds, and even a low-speed collision can result in severe trauma. These accidents often involve multiple points of impact, making the potential for significant injuries even higher. Here are the most common and critical injuries that pedestrians may face in such accidents:

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

One of the most devastating injuries a pedestrian can suffer from a bus accident is a traumatic brain injury. When a pedestrian is hit, they are often thrown to the ground or against a hard surface, causing their head to strike the pavement or bus. The force of the impact can result in concussions, contusions, or even more severe brain injuries like hemorrhages and diffuse axonal injuries, which occur when the brain tissue is torn from the force of the blow. Even mild TBIs can lead to long-term cognitive impairments, memory loss, and personality changes, while severe TBIs can result in permanent disability or death.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are another serious consequence of a bus accident, particularly if the pedestrian falls awkwardly or the impact directly affects the back or neck. The force from the collision can cause fractures or dislocation of the vertebrae, leading to damage to the spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries can range from herniated discs and nerve compression to complete or partial paralysis, depending on the severity and location of the injury. Even less severe injuries, like whiplash, can cause long-term pain and mobility issues. Severe spinal cord injuries often require lifelong medical care and rehabilitation.

Fractures and Broken Bones

Fractures are extremely common in bus accidents due to the high force exerted on the body. When pedestrians are hit, they may instinctively try to break their fall with their arms or legs, leading to broken bones. Fractures of the arms, legs, ribs, pelvis, and skull are typical in these accidents. Open fractures, where the bone pierces the skin, or compound fractures, where the bone shatters into multiple pieces, can result in serious complications, including infection, nerve damage, and the need for surgical intervention. Recovery from severe fractures can take months and may involve physical therapy to regain mobility.

Crush Injuries

In some of the most severe bus accidents, pedestrians may be run over by the bus, leading to devastating crush injuries. These occur when a significant force compresses the body or a part of the body, causing severe damage to muscles, bones, and internal organs. Crush injuries often lead to complications such as compartment syndrome, where swelling from internal bleeding cuts off blood flow to the affected area, resulting in tissue death if not treated quickly. Crush injuries may also result in amputations or permanent disability, as the damage is often irreversible.

Psychological Injuries

While the physical injuries from a Hamilton bus accident are often the focus of treatment, psychological injuries can be just as debilitating. Many victims experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), particularly if the accident is severe or involves life-threatening injuries. Symptoms of PTSD can include flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and depression. Some victims may develop a fear of buses or even walking in urban areas. The psychological impact of such an accident can affect a person’s ability to return to work, socialize, or participate in everyday activities.

PTSD is a serious psychological condition that often develops after a life-threatening or traumatic event, such as being hit by a bus. Victims may experience persistent fear, flashbacks to the accident, hypervigilance, and an inability to function normally in their day-to-day lives. For some, PTSD can be so debilitating that it prevents them from returning to work or even walking in public areas where the accident occurred. Treatment for PTSD may involve therapy, medication, or a combination of both, and recovery can take years.

Injuries sustained in a Hamilton bus accident can be devastating, requiring extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and psychological support. Each injury comes with its own challenges, and victims often face long-term or permanent consequences from the trauma. It’s essential to seek immediate medical attention following such an accident and to understand the potential for lasting effects from both physical and emotional injuries.

How do I hire a Hamilton Bus Accident Lawyer Near me?

When looking for a bus accident lawyer in Hamilton, here are several ways to find the right legal representation:

  1. Google Reviews and Testimonials: Look for lawyers with positive reviews and client testimonials. These give insight into their experience and client satisfaction.
  2. Referrals: Ask for recommendations from trusted sources like friends, family, or healthcare providers who may have worked with personal injury lawyers before.
  3. Free Consultations: Most personal injury lawyers, including Lalande Personal Injury Lawyers, offer free consultations. This allows you to discuss your case without financial risk.
  4. Experience in Bus Accident Claims: Ensure the lawyer has specific experience with bus accident cases and a history of success in similar cases. At Lalande Personal Injury Lawyers, we’ve handled hundreds of bus accident claims across Ontario.
  5. Local Knowledge: A lawyer familiar with the Hamilton area and its transit systems, such as the HSR, can bring valuable local expertise to your case.
  6. Reputation in the Legal Community: Look for lawyers who are well-regarded by their peers and have a strong standing in the legal community.

By considering these factors, you can choose a Hamilton bus accident lawyer who is equipped to guide you through the complexities of your bus accident claim and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

How Much Does a Bus Accident Lawyer Cost to Hire?

Hiring a bus accident lawyer doesn’t have to be a financial burden. At Lalande Personal Injury Lawyers, it costs nothing upfront to hire us—we work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you don’t pay any legal fees unless we successfully recover compensation for you. In simple terms, if we win your case, we take a percentage of the settlement or award. This approach allows you to access experienced legal representation without worrying about the cost, ensuring your focus remains on recovery.

If you’ve been Hurt in a Bus Accident, we can Help.

Being hit by a city bus can result in serious physical, emotional, and financial consequences. You are entitled to both economic and non-economic compensation for injuries, loss of income, and future care. Understanding Ontario’s legal framework for bus accidents, including no-fault benefits, is crucial to ensure you receive fair compensation. Whether dealing with catastrophic injuries or psychological trauma, experienced legal representation is essential.

Remember, our consultations are always free. We’re happy to meet with you and your family in person at our office, via Zoom, or even in the hospital or rehabilitation unit—wherever is most convenient for you.

No matter where you are in Ontario, call us at 1-844-LALANDE, or locally throughout Southern Ontario at 905-333-8888 to schedule your free consultation. Alternatively, you can email us through our website, and we’ll respond promptly.

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Article FAQ

What should I do if I’ve been hit by a city bus in Hamilton?

Seek immediate medical attention, document the accident, gather witness information, and contact the police. Then, consult a lawyer to understand your legal rights.

Am I entitled to no-fault benefits after being hit by a city bus in Ontario?

Yes, pedestrians hit by a bus are entitled to no-fault benefits, which cover medical expenses, lost income, and more, regardless of fault.

How much compensation can I receive after a bus accident?

Compensation varies based on factors like injury severity, medical costs, and lost income. A lawyer can assess your case to estimate potential compensation.

What is the process for filing a claim after a bus accident?

You’ll need to notify the bus company or municipality, submit insurance claims, and gather evidence. Consulting a lawyer ensures you meet deadlines and handle legal procedures.

Do I need to hire a lawyer if I’ve been injured in a bus accident?

While not required, hiring a lawyer increases your chances of receiving fair compensation, as they can navigate the legal complexities and negotiate with insurers.



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